Angie and I are so pleased to have Darlene on our team. Through all the busyness we are blessed not to have lost her. We have been so buried! It is such a blessing to have someone to help us get the office in order and to take care of administrative things for us. We are finally getting organized! Praise the Lord! This whole spring and summer has been extremely busy! This has actually been the busiest of our six years in Durham and 16 years overall. I apologize to all of you that we have not been able to get back with for one reason or another. We must prioritize what comes to the ministry. By no means saying that your call or need is not important. We will be getting back with some of you soon to discuss exciting changes and updates with you. I truly wish that I could post everything that goes on in this ministry but there is not enough time in the day! I will post soon about our extreme week last week. That is as long as the bottom doesn't fall out and we get swamped again. Having Darlene and other high potential people coming on board is going to help us tremendously! The Lord is using this ministry in a big way to to attempt to reach the lost for Him! Thank you so much to all that pray for this ministry! Thank you so much to all those that help us financially! You are a huge blessing to us and so many others. God Bless you! Pastor Terry & Angie Here is a word from Darlene.... I came to Bull City Outreach Ministries after spending many years working with Christian drug and alcohol recovery ministries in other states. My years at Teen Challenge Training Center in Rehrersburg, PA. and Tri-County Worship Center in Bethel, PA. have prepared me with the skills needed to help with the varied office duties of Bull City Outreach Ministries. Originally from Maryland, I grew up in church knowing that God had a calling on my life. Looking back over the years, I can clearly see the many times he brought people and events into my life to prepare me for the path He had chosen for me. I have worked at Teen Challenge, New Life for Children and New Life Ranch and others. These life experiences have given me an understanding of but more importantly a heart for those lost in their sin, feeling there is no way out, and growing up not knowing the Jesus loves them and gave His life that they might be free. After moving to Durham in late 2012, I began praying for God’s direction for the next phase of my life. In the summer of 2013 I was introduced to Bull City Outreach Ministries and I began questioning God if this was the direction He was leading. Some months later once again this powerful ministry was brought to my attention. After talking with Pastor Terry Shuff, I offered to help with any office needs he might have. Giving him one of my business cards, I left the rest in God’s hands. Months past. Early in 2014 I had the opportunity to visit Bull City Outreach Ministries new headquarters on Holloway Street and again spoke with Pastor Terry. Shortly thereafter we met and discussed the ministry needs and how I could help. On one of my drives to the office an old song came to mind. I feel it defines exactly the focus for Bull City Outreach Ministries. "Rescue the perishing, care for the dying, Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save". On any given day, Pastor Terry can be found on the streets of East Durham, in the Durham County Jail, in the Durham County Court House as an advocate, at the Holloway Street Headquarters or ministering at wherever he sees the need and trust me the need is great. Just yesterday he shared at a funeral for a beautiful four-year-old child who had been brutally murdered. His heart is broken. His life passion is reaching the lost, showing them the way of salvation and freedom. How many children do we see each day suffering at the hands of someone who is misusing and abusing them? How many homeless do we pass on the street and look on them with disgust as they panhandle for food, clothing and shelter? How many times do we encounter an addict or prostitute and just keep on going without a thought of where they will spend eternity? That my friends is exactly what we are all called to do…to rescue the perishing and care for the dying by sharing the Good News of God’s deliverance with them. My challenge to you is what are you doing to answer the call? When was the last time you asked God what He wants for your life? I can tell you from personal experience there is no greater joy than knowing you are doing what He has called you to do. For some that means getting actively involved in ministry outreach; for others it may mean supporting a ministry with finances; for still others it may mean becoming a vital prayer partner as others storm Hell’s gates to rescue those perishing. Whatever it is, answer that call! Let’s partner together to take this wonderful Gospel message to the lost. Ministry Update: This past week has been extremely busy! Pastor Terry has spent literally hours upon hours in the Durham County Jail ministering to men and women alike. Monday and Tuesday in the jail along with many other things, on Wednesday he ministered at the funeral in Elizabeth City of little Armani, the 4 year old who was brutally assaulted and murdered. Thursday and Friday back in the jail again. All the while, his phone continues to ring with so many reaching out for help. Time at headquarters on Holloway Street sees many coming in for an encouraging word or to talk about finding a way out. With all that has been happening since Bull City Outreach Ministries headquarters was opened on Holloway Street, it has been very difficult to keep the website and blog up to date. Hopefully we will be able to get back to doing that on a regular basis soon. Darlene Seger - BCOM Office Assistant | |
June 2017
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