The ministry has been extremely busy with many sad but awesome opportunities to share Jesus! We have been busy at headquarters, on the streets, in the courts and a great deal of time in the Durham County Jail. Here are some of the different people that we have ministered to:
Today I was with Pastor Jeff Moody from Revolve church just after we had lunch sitting in the parking lot of Headquarters talking when a young prostitute approached. I stuck my hand out the window and within a short time the young woman grabbed my hand. I will call her "R". This young woman was put out on the streets as a prostitute at the age of 15. She now has 8 years out on Holloway Street. Her mother is also a prostitute in East Durham. She is drug addicted and has been in and out of jail. She told me today that she thought she was pregnant. She made mention of "getting rid" of the baby. I immediately grabbed my Bible off the dash and opened it to Jeremiah 1:5. I am pretty sure that she does not know how to read well so I started to read the scripture to her......
Jeremiah 1:5 "I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as My prophet to the nations."
I explained the verse to her and told her not to kill that baby! I also told her that I had been involved in the murder of a baby when I was in my late teens. I told her that I would be with her all the way through if she was indeed pregnant. Before we completed talking with her she said that she would not abort the baby. Praise the Lord! My heart goes out to this young woman because she was dealt a tough hand as a child. Please pray for her!
While I was waiting for Pastor Jeff to show up I had another prostitute who I will call "K" show up even before I got the doors unlocked. She had not eaten since I fed her yesterday afternoon. She was hungry so we looked through the remaining frozen dinners. She picked one out and was very thankful. Good frozen dinners are really good for us to keep on hand to feed the hungry. "K" is 45 years old and has been on the streets for a number of years. Several years ago I had a friend out with me who ended up knowing her. They had worked together as hair stylists. We are working on getting her into a rehab. We have to get her social security card and a copy of her birth certificate. She is so tired of trying to make it on the streets. It of course gets harder the older a woman gets because of all the competition especially in East Durham! Please pray for her!
I had met with a 20 year old woman last night in the jail. This woman is accused of being an accomplice in a murder. She told me the details of the night and how she thought it was just going to be a robbery. She was accompanied by two others. The robbery went bad and the guy ended up getting shot four times and was dead. She told me that she still hears the four shots going off in her head. Four shots that have destroyed her life! It doesn't sound like this young woman ever had much of a chance at life to begin with. She told me that when she was young that she would be taken to crack houses and sent in to get her mother out. She said this happened on a number of occasions. She told me of a night when two men took her for a ride and the awful things that we done to her. No wonder today that she wants nothing to do with relationships with me. She had turned to relationships with women. She wants a true relationship with Jesus and I am working with her to know that she can not have homosexuality and Jesus at the same time. She must make a choice between the two. She is a very special young woman. Please pray for her!
I had a woman come in recently that was bleeding from the forehead. She had a number of very small round scabs on her face. I knew immediately what it was because of recently dealing with another prostitute who looked the same. What this is, is that the addicts are now shooting heroin right into their foreheads. One came in a while back that looked like her face had been a dart board! This woman that came in recently was trying to use makeup foundation to stop the bleeding and cover all the holes. What a mess and what a drug that would make all these women do such an awful thing and have to present themselves to perverts to get the money to do it! Sickening!
I have been working with a young 24 year old guy who I will call "D". "D" has basically been locked up since he was 14. Juvenile detention centers then 4 times in prison all at the young age of 24! He came staggering in one day high as a kite on pills. I talked to him as his eyes rolled back into his head. I thought he was going to pass out. He was on the run from a probation violation. I tried to get him to turn himself in but he refused. He said there was no way that he was ever going to go back to prison. I thought he seemed like the kind of guy that would attempt "suicide by cop". He was found in an abandoned house just two days later when the police were checking the house trying to find someone else. I was in court with him on Monday and his attorney asked for an extension so that we could try to prepare a Christian rehab for him to go to instead of another trip back to prison. He has given his life to Jesus! Please pray for favor with the judge and that we will be able to get him into a sound Christian rehab that will transform his life!
I also ministered to a female who I will also call "D" last night in the jail. This is another one that was abused at a young age and at 40 years old has still not been able to get a handle on life. Incarcerated for a number of charges, she wept for her 8 year old son. She too has turned her life over to Jesus and so much wishes that she could get out to start over. Her son is located not far from our headquarters and I am going to start working with him soon. He has some challenges that the team and I can help him with. Please pray for mom and the son!
I have also been working with a doctor that is locked up. This is such a sad story! This is a real messed up situation and it is so hard to see this guy weep over his kids. The problem I have in ministering to him is that he does not want to surrender to the Lord and holds very hard feelings for his wife. I have explained to him that there will be no unforgiveness in heaven and that it takes him surrendering to the Lord and at this point he is not ready to do it. So awfully sad but at this point I can do nothing for him.
There are so many other situations that we are dealing with. There are so many hurting people on these streets and we are doing as much as we can do to reach them. We sincerely thank all of you that pray for us and that financially help keep this ministry out there attempting to reach the lost for JESUS! God Bless you all!
Today I was with Pastor Jeff Moody from Revolve church just after we had lunch sitting in the parking lot of Headquarters talking when a young prostitute approached. I stuck my hand out the window and within a short time the young woman grabbed my hand. I will call her "R". This young woman was put out on the streets as a prostitute at the age of 15. She now has 8 years out on Holloway Street. Her mother is also a prostitute in East Durham. She is drug addicted and has been in and out of jail. She told me today that she thought she was pregnant. She made mention of "getting rid" of the baby. I immediately grabbed my Bible off the dash and opened it to Jeremiah 1:5. I am pretty sure that she does not know how to read well so I started to read the scripture to her......
Jeremiah 1:5 "I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as My prophet to the nations."
I explained the verse to her and told her not to kill that baby! I also told her that I had been involved in the murder of a baby when I was in my late teens. I told her that I would be with her all the way through if she was indeed pregnant. Before we completed talking with her she said that she would not abort the baby. Praise the Lord! My heart goes out to this young woman because she was dealt a tough hand as a child. Please pray for her!
While I was waiting for Pastor Jeff to show up I had another prostitute who I will call "K" show up even before I got the doors unlocked. She had not eaten since I fed her yesterday afternoon. She was hungry so we looked through the remaining frozen dinners. She picked one out and was very thankful. Good frozen dinners are really good for us to keep on hand to feed the hungry. "K" is 45 years old and has been on the streets for a number of years. Several years ago I had a friend out with me who ended up knowing her. They had worked together as hair stylists. We are working on getting her into a rehab. We have to get her social security card and a copy of her birth certificate. She is so tired of trying to make it on the streets. It of course gets harder the older a woman gets because of all the competition especially in East Durham! Please pray for her!
I had met with a 20 year old woman last night in the jail. This woman is accused of being an accomplice in a murder. She told me the details of the night and how she thought it was just going to be a robbery. She was accompanied by two others. The robbery went bad and the guy ended up getting shot four times and was dead. She told me that she still hears the four shots going off in her head. Four shots that have destroyed her life! It doesn't sound like this young woman ever had much of a chance at life to begin with. She told me that when she was young that she would be taken to crack houses and sent in to get her mother out. She said this happened on a number of occasions. She told me of a night when two men took her for a ride and the awful things that we done to her. No wonder today that she wants nothing to do with relationships with me. She had turned to relationships with women. She wants a true relationship with Jesus and I am working with her to know that she can not have homosexuality and Jesus at the same time. She must make a choice between the two. She is a very special young woman. Please pray for her!
I had a woman come in recently that was bleeding from the forehead. She had a number of very small round scabs on her face. I knew immediately what it was because of recently dealing with another prostitute who looked the same. What this is, is that the addicts are now shooting heroin right into their foreheads. One came in a while back that looked like her face had been a dart board! This woman that came in recently was trying to use makeup foundation to stop the bleeding and cover all the holes. What a mess and what a drug that would make all these women do such an awful thing and have to present themselves to perverts to get the money to do it! Sickening!
I have been working with a young 24 year old guy who I will call "D". "D" has basically been locked up since he was 14. Juvenile detention centers then 4 times in prison all at the young age of 24! He came staggering in one day high as a kite on pills. I talked to him as his eyes rolled back into his head. I thought he was going to pass out. He was on the run from a probation violation. I tried to get him to turn himself in but he refused. He said there was no way that he was ever going to go back to prison. I thought he seemed like the kind of guy that would attempt "suicide by cop". He was found in an abandoned house just two days later when the police were checking the house trying to find someone else. I was in court with him on Monday and his attorney asked for an extension so that we could try to prepare a Christian rehab for him to go to instead of another trip back to prison. He has given his life to Jesus! Please pray for favor with the judge and that we will be able to get him into a sound Christian rehab that will transform his life!
I also ministered to a female who I will also call "D" last night in the jail. This is another one that was abused at a young age and at 40 years old has still not been able to get a handle on life. Incarcerated for a number of charges, she wept for her 8 year old son. She too has turned her life over to Jesus and so much wishes that she could get out to start over. Her son is located not far from our headquarters and I am going to start working with him soon. He has some challenges that the team and I can help him with. Please pray for mom and the son!
I have also been working with a doctor that is locked up. This is such a sad story! This is a real messed up situation and it is so hard to see this guy weep over his kids. The problem I have in ministering to him is that he does not want to surrender to the Lord and holds very hard feelings for his wife. I have explained to him that there will be no unforgiveness in heaven and that it takes him surrendering to the Lord and at this point he is not ready to do it. So awfully sad but at this point I can do nothing for him.
There are so many other situations that we are dealing with. There are so many hurting people on these streets and we are doing as much as we can do to reach them. We sincerely thank all of you that pray for us and that financially help keep this ministry out there attempting to reach the lost for JESUS! God Bless you all!