More names continue to go up on our "Memorial Wall". I have been digging here and there to get the murder victims since we started the ministry in Durham. Yesterday I received an official list which was over 140!!! The wall will cost over $1500.00 before it is done. Each name costs $10 plus the other graphics that were needed.
I have no doubt that this idea came to me directly from the Lord. For over three months I was not led to put anything on this wall. So many people came in and said "why are you putting everything on the opposite wall and nothing on this one"? To tell you the truth, I got kind of tired of answering the question. My answer was always "the Lord has not told me what to put on there yet". About six weeks ago I was sitting quiet with the Lord when it came to me...."Memorial Wall". As I pressed in I knew that I was to place all the murder victims on the wall. At first I thought it was going to be an artist drawing the faces and having the names and the dates by them. I wanted to press in more to make sure that I was getting this thing right. A peace came over me when I said that I was just going to have the names and dates.
Now I had to press in to see what He wanted the Title of the wall to be. Then it was taking time to see exactly what scripture that He wanted up there. When I was led to Job 14:10 I thought "what"? I had never used anything from the Book of Job before as far as graphics. When I read the NLT version I could not believe it. It seemed like this was a new verse in the Bible.....
"But when people die, their strength is gone. They breathe their last, and then where are they"?What a fit for the wall! Again people, the Lord has been all over this! Then Hebrews 12:14 letting the people know that if they do not choose to live a Holy Life that they will not ever see Him. I am sending this out to let people know in detail the importance of this wall in reaching the lost!!! I know that this is the Lord's will and it's His bill to get this done. I know that I must do my part to promote what He is doing! We have received help from two people. James 4:2 says "we have not because we ask not". I am asking for help! $1500 for a ministry our size is a major project. Never have we done anything like this as far as this much cost. What came to me when I started running the numbers was "how much is a soul worth"? As I pressed into this I heard "if just one got saved off of it wouldn't it be worth it"?
Already so many lives have been affected by it! This started from the very first day we started putting it up! I know that there is talk on the street because some that have come in have said "I don't want to look at it" and it is their first time coming in since we started last week. Some are afraid of it because they do not want to see the names of those that they knew that are gone! So many know that the fate of the majority of the people on the wall was HELL for all eternity! They do not want those thoughts on their minds! I have ministered so many times already saying "if these people could come back they would not live their lives the way they did prior to being murdered. (This of course excluding the children that were not able to make decisions for themselves)
Today, I ministered to the new 17 year old prostitute again as this time she was looking at the wall. I went through again concerning Crystal Baker who was severely beaten then stabbed 36 times, Wanda Spence who was strangled then her throat was slit before she was rolled in plastic on a hot 90 degree day and thrown into the woods, or Shon Williams who was shot right after having sex with a "John" or Kourtney Dawkins who was gunned down right on the corner where you have been walking past the last few days! I said "wake up girl before it is too late". She said "I don't know why you think I am a prostitute because I am not". I then said "everyone comes out to Holloway Street to take a walk and isn't it something how everyone keeps walking back and forth"? "Everybody wants to wear skimpy clothes too, isn't that something". She got the drift that I was not falling for any of her lies! So many others have come in to tell me what she was doing.
Today I ministered to four other prostitutes. I made the same statement to all four saying "you need to let me know if you are going to get your life right and if you are not I will save you a space on the wall". Two got upset with me. One said why would you say that to me, that wasn't funny". I said "it wasn't meant to be funny"! I said "if you stay doing what you are doing out here, you don't think there is a good chance of you dying"? I said "it may not matter to you but I am going to tell you what I go through when I hear a prostitute has been murdered". "I have received calls saying that a prostitute has been murdered then the fear of which one is it". I told them "no it is not fun or funny at all"! "The Wall" is stirring things up and I know that it will be the start of many coming to a true relationship with JESUS CHRIST!!! There are so many other stories that I will be able to tell people from those names.
I ask that you prayerfully consider being part of this! There are so many things that money is spent on in churches like larger buildings, lights and sound equipment, carpet, chairs,etc. Thousands are spent! I do not see any of that having such a direct impact on lost souls!!! We have twenty more names that will be done in the morning then I am giving them 25 more to do by Friday. That's $450 then there will be more next week! The Lord said to do it and that is exactly what we are going to do!
Please help us! Please send your tax deductible check made out to Bull City Outreach to 5114 Huxey Glen Ct. Durham, NC. 27703 or go to our website www.bullcityoutreach.org then click on the donate button to use PayPal. Your help is so much appreciated! We are so excited about what is going on in this ministry!!!
I have no doubt that this idea came to me directly from the Lord. For over three months I was not led to put anything on this wall. So many people came in and said "why are you putting everything on the opposite wall and nothing on this one"? To tell you the truth, I got kind of tired of answering the question. My answer was always "the Lord has not told me what to put on there yet". About six weeks ago I was sitting quiet with the Lord when it came to me...."Memorial Wall". As I pressed in I knew that I was to place all the murder victims on the wall. At first I thought it was going to be an artist drawing the faces and having the names and the dates by them. I wanted to press in more to make sure that I was getting this thing right. A peace came over me when I said that I was just going to have the names and dates.
Now I had to press in to see what He wanted the Title of the wall to be. Then it was taking time to see exactly what scripture that He wanted up there. When I was led to Job 14:10 I thought "what"? I had never used anything from the Book of Job before as far as graphics. When I read the NLT version I could not believe it. It seemed like this was a new verse in the Bible.....
"But when people die, their strength is gone. They breathe their last, and then where are they"?What a fit for the wall! Again people, the Lord has been all over this! Then Hebrews 12:14 letting the people know that if they do not choose to live a Holy Life that they will not ever see Him. I am sending this out to let people know in detail the importance of this wall in reaching the lost!!! I know that this is the Lord's will and it's His bill to get this done. I know that I must do my part to promote what He is doing! We have received help from two people. James 4:2 says "we have not because we ask not". I am asking for help! $1500 for a ministry our size is a major project. Never have we done anything like this as far as this much cost. What came to me when I started running the numbers was "how much is a soul worth"? As I pressed into this I heard "if just one got saved off of it wouldn't it be worth it"?
Already so many lives have been affected by it! This started from the very first day we started putting it up! I know that there is talk on the street because some that have come in have said "I don't want to look at it" and it is their first time coming in since we started last week. Some are afraid of it because they do not want to see the names of those that they knew that are gone! So many know that the fate of the majority of the people on the wall was HELL for all eternity! They do not want those thoughts on their minds! I have ministered so many times already saying "if these people could come back they would not live their lives the way they did prior to being murdered. (This of course excluding the children that were not able to make decisions for themselves)
Today, I ministered to the new 17 year old prostitute again as this time she was looking at the wall. I went through again concerning Crystal Baker who was severely beaten then stabbed 36 times, Wanda Spence who was strangled then her throat was slit before she was rolled in plastic on a hot 90 degree day and thrown into the woods, or Shon Williams who was shot right after having sex with a "John" or Kourtney Dawkins who was gunned down right on the corner where you have been walking past the last few days! I said "wake up girl before it is too late". She said "I don't know why you think I am a prostitute because I am not". I then said "everyone comes out to Holloway Street to take a walk and isn't it something how everyone keeps walking back and forth"? "Everybody wants to wear skimpy clothes too, isn't that something". She got the drift that I was not falling for any of her lies! So many others have come in to tell me what she was doing.
Today I ministered to four other prostitutes. I made the same statement to all four saying "you need to let me know if you are going to get your life right and if you are not I will save you a space on the wall". Two got upset with me. One said why would you say that to me, that wasn't funny". I said "it wasn't meant to be funny"! I said "if you stay doing what you are doing out here, you don't think there is a good chance of you dying"? I said "it may not matter to you but I am going to tell you what I go through when I hear a prostitute has been murdered". "I have received calls saying that a prostitute has been murdered then the fear of which one is it". I told them "no it is not fun or funny at all"! "The Wall" is stirring things up and I know that it will be the start of many coming to a true relationship with JESUS CHRIST!!! There are so many other stories that I will be able to tell people from those names.
I ask that you prayerfully consider being part of this! There are so many things that money is spent on in churches like larger buildings, lights and sound equipment, carpet, chairs,etc. Thousands are spent! I do not see any of that having such a direct impact on lost souls!!! We have twenty more names that will be done in the morning then I am giving them 25 more to do by Friday. That's $450 then there will be more next week! The Lord said to do it and that is exactly what we are going to do!
Please help us! Please send your tax deductible check made out to Bull City Outreach to 5114 Huxey Glen Ct. Durham, NC. 27703 or go to our website www.bullcityoutreach.org then click on the donate button to use PayPal. Your help is so much appreciated! We are so excited about what is going on in this ministry!!!