The man was a older black gentleman. I later found that he was in his late 70’s. I always enjoy talking to senior citizens so I headed in. I started talking with him and the pastor showed up. A seat was cleared for him to sit also as the owner poured out his wisdom. He was making references to the Lord which drew me in. Much of it was good but then I sensed a bit of racism. He spoke of how hard it is for black people to live in this country. He made comments that the “white men” owed the “black men” an apology because of what was done to blacks in slavery. That always throws up a red flag for me because what I have found is when someone wants to talk about their skin color more than they want to talk about JESUS that there is a problem somewhere. I respectfully listened without saying a word for what seemed like around 20 minutes. He was tying in his line of work with changing peoples lives. I found it very interesting. The pastor had to go so I told the owner that I would get the items from him and be right back to talk a little more before I had to go.
He was not interested much in anyone else talking but when we started back up I asked him politely if I could speak. I told him a little of my testimony and that I had, had a tough life and had turned it around all because of the Lord. He made a comment about “because I was white I should not have had any problems in life”. He was basically saying that white people have life handed to them on a silver platter so I was really messed up. I agreed that I was really messed up back then. I told him that I had ministered all around the country and that Durham was the most racist place that I have ever been. He asked me how it was racist? I said whites against blacks and blacks against whites! He cut me off very quickly telling that blacks were not racist and that racism only came from the gifted white people. Now it was time to start talking about what the Word of God says about all of this.
I then respectfully asked him what the Bible says about unforgiveness. He did not answer right away so I took him to Matthew 18. I said “I strongly believe that what took place with slavery was wrong! But sir, you are holding unforgiveness in your heart because of what happened a long time ago. In verse 21 Peter asked the Lord how often should he forgive his brother who sins against him? I said “isn’t that right”? He just looked at me then I went to verse 22 and said he said not seven times but seventy seven times. I said “sir, you can not take unforgiveness into heaven!
He continued to cut me off and prevent me from speaking all the time he was talking his racism. In no way was I going to disrespect him as a person because I was raised to show respect to my elders and that was exactly what I was going to do. I knew I was in a test! I let him speak then I stopped him and asked him if he knew what 2Corinthians 5:17 said? He just stared at me so I told him that if a person is really saved that they will not be hung up on their skin color. I told him that in Durham there is a huge problem with man white and black that love their skin color more than they love JESUS! I went back to the verse in 2Corinthians and told him that the Word of God says that when you are born again you become a NEW CREATION! All the old things are gone and ALL things become NEW! I told him that I do not play the race game on the streets. I said “I have no time for it”! It is a ploy of the devil to cause division! I told him that there are only two groups of people that I look at and that is “Children of God” and “children of the devil”! He said “you can’t look at it just that way”. I responded with “that will be the only way that it will be looked at on judgment day! I asked him if he believed there would be race sections in heaven? I told him that I was not concerned about what color a person’s skin was, I was concerned about whether they would go to heaven or hell! I talked to him about generational curses and how they were ruining people's lives. The fact that people are taught from generation to generation to get on food stamps, disability and any other government hand out that they could get. I told him that this takes a persons self worth away! I could tell that he was irritated but a number of times he couldn’t help but agree with what I was saying.
He asked me how he could help me. I told him that we probably needed to talk some more. No way would I want anyone that would spew racial trash no matter what color they are. I pray that this man does not attempt to enter heaven with this garbage in his mind. Did he have wisdom in some things? He sure did! Racism is a disease of the devil that has destroyed many lives! I will have no part in it! I gave him some cross pennies and some gadgets that I use on the streets. I shook his hand and told him “Sir, I have to go. I think he was ready for me to go!