I am continuing to post different people that have been murdered which will be stories to minister on from our Memorial Wall. We have quite a way to go on this project and only one person has helped so far. I strongly believe that this is going to be a major ministry area at our headquarters! Already it is ministering strongly to people that read it! Only $10 for a name to be placed on the wall which could help in reaching a soul for JESUS! We will be adding 20 more names tomorrow with many more to come. This project is going to most likely cost us over $500 but if it reaches even one soul won't it be worth it? We know that it was a "God idea" and that it will draw many to Him!

Tyaijah Hester 2010 - 2011 This was a heartbreaking crime scene to go to. I remember the sick feeling I had just being at the same place that this occurred.
The mother and father were not getting along and the mother had started seeing another guy. After an argument the father grabbed up the 22 month old and told the mother that "they were going to a better place". The father took the child outside and shot her just before turning the gun on himself. He also died. People had the idea that you could murder your daughter then murder yourself then the famous "R.I.P." The daughter will be with Jesus and the dad goes to hell! The message that I gave and will continue to give is that you can not live like this and expect to go to heaven! Another sad story that will minister to others.
The mother and father were not getting along and the mother had started seeing another guy. After an argument the father grabbed up the 22 month old and told the mother that "they were going to a better place". The father took the child outside and shot her just before turning the gun on himself. He also died. People had the idea that you could murder your daughter then murder yourself then the famous "R.I.P." The daughter will be with Jesus and the dad goes to hell! The message that I gave and will continue to give is that you can not live like this and expect to go to heaven! Another sad story that will minister to others.

Shakanah China - In May of 2011 a 13 year old seventh grader sat on the trunk lid of her mom's car texting a friend. Never did she think that her life would be over that day. She was in the line of fire as a van occupied by gang members drove by spraying the area with bullets because of a beef with an opposing gang. One bullet hit this little girl in the stomach killing her. We were there a short time later to minister and attempt to comfort a mother in shock.
We came back that night and provided a cookout for the family and all others that wanted to come. Many think they have a long time to get their life right. As our wall declares...."No One Is Promised Tomorrow". This is another sad story that will be ministered from our wall. Just days later there was a retaliation shooting where a 17 and 18 year old were murdered.
We came back that night and provided a cookout for the family and all others that wanted to come. Many think they have a long time to get their life right. As our wall declares...."No One Is Promised Tomorrow". This is another sad story that will be ministered from our wall. Just days later there was a retaliation shooting where a 17 and 18 year old were murdered.

Kourtney Dawson died at the age of twenty-five just a couple months ago less than a minute walk from our headquarters. There are many stories but the bottom line is that she was shot and killed. As you can see in this jail picture, she lived a hard life. She received many beatings from a pimp. Many times she would have two black eyes.
She was a drug addicted young woman in a land that she did not belong. I know her grandma and she tried to help her. I talked to and ministered to her on many occasions. She was always polite and respectful to me. So sad that she is gone. I continue to minister to the pimp who is slowly making some changes in his messed up life. This is another story that will be ministered from our wall and it will be ministered heavily to the prostitutes. Some prostitutes already can not stand to look at the wall because of what it shows could happen to them.
She was a drug addicted young woman in a land that she did not belong. I know her grandma and she tried to help her. I talked to and ministered to her on many occasions. She was always polite and respectful to me. So sad that she is gone. I continue to minister to the pimp who is slowly making some changes in his messed up life. This is another story that will be ministered from our wall and it will be ministered heavily to the prostitutes. Some prostitutes already can not stand to look at the wall because of what it shows could happen to them.