This is Sammy, he is a homeless severe alcoholic who has great mechanic skills. He is actually my emergency mechanic. He works the parts stores on Holloway near The Village. I came across Sammy today and he was wearing a thin coat and gloves. He said "I am cold" so I directed him toward the van. I had just picked up more coats so I started to get him hooked up with another one. I had a very nice coat which was black. I had a problem because Sammy didn't like black. I finally found the coat that he is wearing which really didn't please him because it wasn't blue. He decided to settle on this one. Not completely happy? Next it was getting him a good pair of gloves. The first pair I grabbed were black. He said "no, black I told you". The next ones were gray. He said "NAH, NAH, NAH, I told you blue". "Ok Sammy I'm trying". Next desire was that he said he was hungry....ok Sammy how about Hardees? No, I want Subway, Subway! "Ok Sammy, go to Subway and I will be there in a minute". I finished what I had been trying to accomplish then headed for Subway. It is good when Sammy wants to eat because most of the time he won't because of his drinking. He walked in and I asked him what he wanted? He said with his rough Hispanic accent "I want a foot long tuna". (like I was supposed to know) Next it was the guy behind the counter asking what kind of cheese. He snapped "american". Again acting like I should have known I asked him what he wanted on it "everything except mayonnaise". Next was he needed a side of jalapenos. I then asked him if he wanted a combo knowing that he was going to snap again. His answer..."yeah, yeah, yeah"! Again, ok Sammy. Next, he did not want soda. I told him to get the soda Sammy because I paid for it! Nooo! I want orange juice. (People behind us) Ok, ok Sammy. I paid the 50 cents extra for the juice. Have a good day Sammy. "Yeah! Thank you"! I minister to him often hoping that one day he will surrender to Jesus. He's my buddy and I will continue to work with him!

This is Alex, he and two more live in the woods. They saw me yesterday and said "please! blankets"! I had already passed out all I had on the van so I promised them I would get them some before the day was over. I started walking back to the camp but I stopped when I heard their pit bulls started barking. It was no time till they were right in front of me basically telling me that I have gone far enough and to wait for their masters. Most of the homeless camps have the "PIT BULL ALARM SYSTEM". I had no problem obeying their commands! If they did not have the dogs the other homeless would steal everything they have.
I have one guy that is Hispanic that was an alcoholic and drug addict. He has been radically saved now for 2 or 3 years. I am telling him that he must step it up with the Hispanic guys that are homeless. They get to be such heavy alcoholics in these situations. So proud of Javier and the way he shows them his walk with JESUS!
Psalms 107:4 Some wandered in the wilderness, lost and homeless.
I have one guy that is Hispanic that was an alcoholic and drug addict. He has been radically saved now for 2 or 3 years. I am telling him that he must step it up with the Hispanic guys that are homeless. They get to be such heavy alcoholics in these situations. So proud of Javier and the way he shows them his walk with JESUS!
Psalms 107:4 Some wandered in the wilderness, lost and homeless.

This is Roy, he will be sleeping in the woods tonight in a different location. He has a new coat, gloves, hat and blankets. I talked to him about having a true relationship with Jesus! He is trying to find work. He told me "I just need someone to believe in me and give me a chance. He was hungry and asked if I could help him. He is inside Hardees warm and eating some fried chicken. We are getting back together on Monday.
Proverbs 19:17 If you help the poor, you are lending to the LORD—and He will repay you!
Proverbs 19:17 If you help the poor, you are lending to the LORD—and He will repay you!

I was with these three last night for a long time. First, the one on the left. He had a broken arm and I could tell that he was very cold. He said that he had been watching me in the area over the days and hoped that one day he could talk to me. He asked me to pull over and if I could spend some time talking to him. He told me of his mom being an addict and that kind of life is all he has ever known. He has spent much of his life in prison and jail. He said "I am so tired of being homeless and living this kind of life. If I go to my family all that happens is getting into trouble so I would rather stay out here by myself. The guy in the middle is Calvin who was wearing just a liner to a coat when he came up. He is one of my regulars and I have dealt with him in numerous situations. I have had several conversations with his mother in Sanford who loves him dearly but can not have him around until he gives up the drugs. The other guy, Derrick is someone I have also worked with who came up to us wearing a hoodie! I ministered and prayed with these three and they were so thankful at the end!

The coats these two guys were wearing were pitiful! The one on the left had on a leather coat with no liner. The one on the right was so old and torn that it was not doing him much good. It is amazing how providing for a persons physical needs will open the door to minister into their lives. These two seniors do not have a personal relationship with the Lord at this point. I stressed the importance before it is too late! They were so thankful for the weather gear and ministering into their lives.
Proverbs 14:31 Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker, but helping the poor honors Him.
Proverbs 14:31 Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker, but helping the poor honors Him.

These young guys must be reached somehow! The coats opened the door to minister to them. Different ones told me yesterday that they know me from the Durham County Jail. There always seems to come a time when guys like this will give me credibility when around others telling of what the ministry has done for them in their time of need. It is all part of God's plan in working in their lives and the lives of others. Putting these coats on their backs is like a farmer going to the field and sowing seeds! We must pray that these seeds will grow and produce fruit! This age of young people in East Durham are facing a hard life! So many die have been murdered between the ages of 16 and 25. Oh how we must be about the FATHER'S BUSINESS!

So many others....so many more stories....it's sad! Some may think that I post about everyone that I talk to. I can not come close to doing that. I ask everyone before I ever think of taking their picture. Some of these people are wanted and do not want their picture taken. I honor that! Why do I take the pictures? I do that to make people aware of what is going on in this city! I take the pictures to show those who give to this ministry where their donations are going. I take the pictures to help me to remember names and to pray for these people.The holidays and this cold weather has put a strain on our finances. No way will I allow a man that is living in the cold not have a full stomach. This costs money! It costs money to take a person into a store to purchase a coat or other need if we do not have it on van.
Proverbs 21:13 Those who shut their ears to the cries of the poor will be ignored in their own time of need.
Many will not even get down to this part of this post because they are more concerned about "their lives". We have churches and individuals that need to "cut their costs". Many times we are that cut without any notice that this is going to happen. We need your help! We thank the Lord for all of you that already give to help us do what the Lord has called us to do! We need monthly partners! We need this especially with our new store front space coming up at 1512 Holloway Street which is going to add an additional $500 a month plus utilities and expenses to run it! But it is worth it and I KNOW THAT HE WILL PROVIDE! If you want to give financially in any way you can send your tax deductible check made out to Bull City Outreach to 5114 Huxey Glen Ct. Durham, NC 27703 or you can go to our website www.bullcityoutreach.com then click on the donate button to give using PayPal. When you give to this ministry you become part of everything we are doing! I guarantee you that there is always a great deal going on in this ministry! Thank you & God Bless!
Matthew 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
Proverbs 21:13 Those who shut their ears to the cries of the poor will be ignored in their own time of need.
Many will not even get down to this part of this post because they are more concerned about "their lives". We have churches and individuals that need to "cut their costs". Many times we are that cut without any notice that this is going to happen. We need your help! We thank the Lord for all of you that already give to help us do what the Lord has called us to do! We need monthly partners! We need this especially with our new store front space coming up at 1512 Holloway Street which is going to add an additional $500 a month plus utilities and expenses to run it! But it is worth it and I KNOW THAT HE WILL PROVIDE! If you want to give financially in any way you can send your tax deductible check made out to Bull City Outreach to 5114 Huxey Glen Ct. Durham, NC 27703 or you can go to our website www.bullcityoutreach.com then click on the donate button to give using PayPal. When you give to this ministry you become part of everything we are doing! I guarantee you that there is always a great deal going on in this ministry! Thank you & God Bless!
Matthew 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.