I had quite a time today trying to get the paperwork done for Derrick Jones. Much of my day was focused on trying to get this taken care of. I arrived at the jail around 12:15 to see him. I went to his pod and they told me that he had bonded out yesterday. I could not believe what I was hearing! I talked to a couple inmates and they confirmed that he left yesterday. I left the jail immediately to go check some spots where he would have possibly gone. I still could not believe that he would get out of jail and not call me! I have seen such a transformation with him.
I drove down to Holloway Street and started looking. I stopped and put the word out to some regulars to call me if they spotted him. I was thinking that if he wanted to be that stupid maybe he should just go to prison. I thought if he bonded out that no way he would show up for court on Monday. I gave up looking for him and had the thought that I was going to take the rest of the day off. This would give me an afternoon nap before our plans for tonight. I could not get this off my mind so I went online to check out what was going on.
I finally called back to the jail to find that he was there! They had actually moved him across to another pod yesterday. I got back in the van and headed for the jail again! I walked onto the pod and asked for him then glanced to my left to see him standing there with a big smile on his face. He doesn't look like he does in this picture. He looks so much better with Jesus as anyone that turns their life over to Him! He was so happy to see me and I was happy to see him even though I told him that I had different thoughts earlier. He wondered what I was talking about. I told him the story and also told him that this was a tactic of the enemy to cause confusion in getting him the help that he needed.
I am in crunch time in putting this all together to present to the judge on Monday morning at 11:00. We still are $200 short or just 4 people giving $50! I plan on having pictures and everything in detail in hope that the judge will not sentence him to his fifth prison sentence. I had pleaded with his attorney to get the judge to extend this at the last court date a little less than two weeks ago. I am praying that the judge's heart will be softened to allow him to go to this solid Christian rehabilitation for 14 months.
Derrick's dad is very sick and I am also praying that Derrick will be able to get himself together so that he can be reunited to his family. For those that do not know Derrick has been locked for all but 14 years of his 24 year old life. This is sad but I strongly believe that he has come to the end of himself and surrendered to Jesus. I had told him on my first visit when he got locked up that when I finished talking to him that he should go to his cell and drop to his knees and cry out to Jesus with what he wanted different in his life. He told me today that he has not even used profanity since that day! He is a good kid and needs another shot at a good life! Please pray for Derrick! We so much appreciate all that have helped with prayer and finances to make this happen.
I drove down to Holloway Street and started looking. I stopped and put the word out to some regulars to call me if they spotted him. I was thinking that if he wanted to be that stupid maybe he should just go to prison. I thought if he bonded out that no way he would show up for court on Monday. I gave up looking for him and had the thought that I was going to take the rest of the day off. This would give me an afternoon nap before our plans for tonight. I could not get this off my mind so I went online to check out what was going on.
I finally called back to the jail to find that he was there! They had actually moved him across to another pod yesterday. I got back in the van and headed for the jail again! I walked onto the pod and asked for him then glanced to my left to see him standing there with a big smile on his face. He doesn't look like he does in this picture. He looks so much better with Jesus as anyone that turns their life over to Him! He was so happy to see me and I was happy to see him even though I told him that I had different thoughts earlier. He wondered what I was talking about. I told him the story and also told him that this was a tactic of the enemy to cause confusion in getting him the help that he needed.
I am in crunch time in putting this all together to present to the judge on Monday morning at 11:00. We still are $200 short or just 4 people giving $50! I plan on having pictures and everything in detail in hope that the judge will not sentence him to his fifth prison sentence. I had pleaded with his attorney to get the judge to extend this at the last court date a little less than two weeks ago. I am praying that the judge's heart will be softened to allow him to go to this solid Christian rehabilitation for 14 months.
Derrick's dad is very sick and I am also praying that Derrick will be able to get himself together so that he can be reunited to his family. For those that do not know Derrick has been locked for all but 14 years of his 24 year old life. This is sad but I strongly believe that he has come to the end of himself and surrendered to Jesus. I had told him on my first visit when he got locked up that when I finished talking to him that he should go to his cell and drop to his knees and cry out to Jesus with what he wanted different in his life. He told me today that he has not even used profanity since that day! He is a good kid and needs another shot at a good life! Please pray for Derrick! We so much appreciate all that have helped with prayer and finances to make this happen.