It is amazing the things that I am seeing go on while ministering in the Durham County Jail. This is also happening at our headquarters and out on the streets of East Durham. What it is, is the fruit of over six and a half years of planting the Word of God into people's lives. I am seeing what were heavy hitters in gangs out on the streets now sitting and listening to me for long periods of time while I minister the Word of God to them.
I have one who was known as a heavy shooter on the streets of East Durham. This meaning he was involved in many gang shootings. He has been affiliated with The Crips. This young man has a steel plate in his forehead stemming from a shooting a few years ago. He also has a scar of where the bullet entered his head very close to his temple. I actually ministered to a group of people when we were doing our Friday Night services in The Mac in the exact spot where he laid bleeding in a parking lot of "The Mac" the night before. Everyone thought he was going to die. One lady who was a witness told me of how his brain matter was spilled out on the lot.
Today he is mentally sharp. I joke with him that he is going to be much sharper when as we pour more Jesus into him and when we get rid of all the devilish thoughts He really is doing good. He is preparing a letter to his 13 year old cousin who I am working with who is following right in his foot steps. He is warning him that he needs to change his behavior before he ends up like him or dead. He is obedient in reading what I tell him to read and also he reads the Bible on his own. He told me this week of being offered a plea for 76 months. I asked him what he was going to do. He said "I didn't do it". I said "well go to trial". I then started talking to him about how I council other inmates. I tell them that there are definitely two that know for sure whether they did the crime or not. The two are them and God. I tell them that if they are guilty not to let some slick attorney attempt to get them off or a lesser charge. I tell them to stand before the judge and say that they are guilty. Also, I tell them that if they were involved in any other crimes that they did not get caught in to go ahead and confess to that sin also. I tell them that one day they will have to give account of everything that have done while in the flesh. I told him that I would be back in tomorrow (Friday) to discuss his charges and I told him that I would be praying that he would make the right choice according to God. I told him to think about what would be best, 76 months in jail or eternity in hell. We didn't talk any more about it. I am looking forward to tomorrow to see what he is thinking.
Another inmate asked how he could see me as I was getting ready to leave that pod. I felt a nudge from the Holy Spirit to meet with him right away so I said that I had time now. I asked him his name and he gave me the last name of someone else that I have been discipling for the last year and a half who is doing time in prison. I asked if they were related and he said very surprised that the one in prison was his uncle. I told him of our relationship and that opened to door for me to minister into his life. I asked him about his charges and he had some very heavy ones! I then asked him if he was guilty and I was shocked to hear him say that he was guilty of every one of them. I complimented him for his honesty and said that if you believe most inmates say they are innocent. He said that he knows that he needs to get his life right. He said that his mom who is a Christian said that he is going to have favor on his charges. He then started telling me how his attorney thought he could get some of the charges dropped. I started giving him the same council that i give others. I said that the only way he was going to get favor is to give his life to the Lord and live his life for the Lord!! I told him that he had just said that he wanted to do the right thing and now he is leaning toward deception. I said "you are going to pay now or you are going to pay later. Later will be a sentence of eternal hell! Before I left he was in agreement that he was going to tell the judge everything! Even the things that he was not caught doing!
This is just a small portion of the awesome things that are going on in phase of the ministry! Praise the Lord!
I have one who was known as a heavy shooter on the streets of East Durham. This meaning he was involved in many gang shootings. He has been affiliated with The Crips. This young man has a steel plate in his forehead stemming from a shooting a few years ago. He also has a scar of where the bullet entered his head very close to his temple. I actually ministered to a group of people when we were doing our Friday Night services in The Mac in the exact spot where he laid bleeding in a parking lot of "The Mac" the night before. Everyone thought he was going to die. One lady who was a witness told me of how his brain matter was spilled out on the lot.
Today he is mentally sharp. I joke with him that he is going to be much sharper when as we pour more Jesus into him and when we get rid of all the devilish thoughts He really is doing good. He is preparing a letter to his 13 year old cousin who I am working with who is following right in his foot steps. He is warning him that he needs to change his behavior before he ends up like him or dead. He is obedient in reading what I tell him to read and also he reads the Bible on his own. He told me this week of being offered a plea for 76 months. I asked him what he was going to do. He said "I didn't do it". I said "well go to trial". I then started talking to him about how I council other inmates. I tell them that there are definitely two that know for sure whether they did the crime or not. The two are them and God. I tell them that if they are guilty not to let some slick attorney attempt to get them off or a lesser charge. I tell them to stand before the judge and say that they are guilty. Also, I tell them that if they were involved in any other crimes that they did not get caught in to go ahead and confess to that sin also. I tell them that one day they will have to give account of everything that have done while in the flesh. I told him that I would be back in tomorrow (Friday) to discuss his charges and I told him that I would be praying that he would make the right choice according to God. I told him to think about what would be best, 76 months in jail or eternity in hell. We didn't talk any more about it. I am looking forward to tomorrow to see what he is thinking.
Another inmate asked how he could see me as I was getting ready to leave that pod. I felt a nudge from the Holy Spirit to meet with him right away so I said that I had time now. I asked him his name and he gave me the last name of someone else that I have been discipling for the last year and a half who is doing time in prison. I asked if they were related and he said very surprised that the one in prison was his uncle. I told him of our relationship and that opened to door for me to minister into his life. I asked him about his charges and he had some very heavy ones! I then asked him if he was guilty and I was shocked to hear him say that he was guilty of every one of them. I complimented him for his honesty and said that if you believe most inmates say they are innocent. He said that he knows that he needs to get his life right. He said that his mom who is a Christian said that he is going to have favor on his charges. He then started telling me how his attorney thought he could get some of the charges dropped. I started giving him the same council that i give others. I said that the only way he was going to get favor is to give his life to the Lord and live his life for the Lord!! I told him that he had just said that he wanted to do the right thing and now he is leaning toward deception. I said "you are going to pay now or you are going to pay later. Later will be a sentence of eternal hell! Before I left he was in agreement that he was going to tell the judge everything! Even the things that he was not caught doing!
This is just a small portion of the awesome things that are going on in phase of the ministry! Praise the Lord!