We have been so busy still trying to get everything set up. I look forward to when I have the office section done so I can get this work done down there. We continue to have people walking in every day! There is a prostitute that stops in everyday still! Now we are starting to get the neighborhood kids which is awesome! Here are a few examples of the awesome ministry going on.
Today I had a guy named Tim who came in that Dean Padgett and I had just ministered to in the Durham County Jail this past Tuesday night. He was really down and out to spend close to three months in jail then get out to find that he had no where to live and his family was gone. He said "I am not going to make God any promises but I am going to try this thing". I explained to him that God was not wanting to play let's make a deal with him and that He gave us a free will to do and live anyway that we wanted. The conversation got much better from there and he is supposed to be at church this Sunday.
I had a young teenager stop by with three older teens today. He was carrying a book that I gave him yesterday. I told him yesterday that he would need to have a verse memorized to get a free soda or candy next tine. He showed up all proud saying that he had his verse. I told him if you get it right I will give your friends one too. They were all putting pressure on him to get it right. He did it then I sat all four down on the couch and ministered to them about the funeral of a 22 year old gang member I attended today. The other three need a scripture next time and the other boy needs a new verse.
I have been ministering to a prostitute named "Tia" for the last four years or so. She has become a regular on our corner. She has also become very defiant in her supposed atheist belief. She has been one that has stopped in several times a day getting drinks and snacks for her and "her boyfriend" who parks out back. He does crossword puzzles while she prostitutes. She came in the other day while Jamie Locklear and I was talking and started saying that she believes more in martians than she does Jesus. She has also had a foul mouth. She told how she believes in evolution. We talked to her some but after she left I could not get the conversation out of my mind. I was also thinking that I had, had about enough of her thinking she could bring her little devilish self in and do whatever she wished. She came in later and I stopped her and told her that this place was for people that were seeking to change their lives and that even though she did not believe the way I believe that Jesus Christ is the answer to people changing that this was not a place for her. She said "do you mean that I am not going to be able to get sodas and candy". I said "that is exactly what I mean". Defiantly she walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed another soda. She came back the next day and I stopped her at the door. I said "I hope one day things will change for you but as I told you yesterday this place is not for you at this time". She said "you mean I can't get nothing". Can't I get just a soda? I said "you believe in martians, go find yourself a martian and ask him for a soda. This place is for people that are seeking Jesus Christ to change their lives. You are openly against that and she agreed. She is out unless she has a change of mind.
Today I had a guy named Tim who came in that Dean Padgett and I had just ministered to in the Durham County Jail this past Tuesday night. He was really down and out to spend close to three months in jail then get out to find that he had no where to live and his family was gone. He said "I am not going to make God any promises but I am going to try this thing". I explained to him that God was not wanting to play let's make a deal with him and that He gave us a free will to do and live anyway that we wanted. The conversation got much better from there and he is supposed to be at church this Sunday.
I had a young teenager stop by with three older teens today. He was carrying a book that I gave him yesterday. I told him yesterday that he would need to have a verse memorized to get a free soda or candy next tine. He showed up all proud saying that he had his verse. I told him if you get it right I will give your friends one too. They were all putting pressure on him to get it right. He did it then I sat all four down on the couch and ministered to them about the funeral of a 22 year old gang member I attended today. The other three need a scripture next time and the other boy needs a new verse.
I have been ministering to a prostitute named "Tia" for the last four years or so. She has become a regular on our corner. She has also become very defiant in her supposed atheist belief. She has been one that has stopped in several times a day getting drinks and snacks for her and "her boyfriend" who parks out back. He does crossword puzzles while she prostitutes. She came in the other day while Jamie Locklear and I was talking and started saying that she believes more in martians than she does Jesus. She has also had a foul mouth. She told how she believes in evolution. We talked to her some but after she left I could not get the conversation out of my mind. I was also thinking that I had, had about enough of her thinking she could bring her little devilish self in and do whatever she wished. She came in later and I stopped her and told her that this place was for people that were seeking to change their lives and that even though she did not believe the way I believe that Jesus Christ is the answer to people changing that this was not a place for her. She said "do you mean that I am not going to be able to get sodas and candy". I said "that is exactly what I mean". Defiantly she walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed another soda. She came back the next day and I stopped her at the door. I said "I hope one day things will change for you but as I told you yesterday this place is not for you at this time". She said "you mean I can't get nothing". Can't I get just a soda? I said "you believe in martians, go find yourself a martian and ask him for a soda. This place is for people that are seeking Jesus Christ to change their lives. You are openly against that and she agreed. She is out unless she has a change of mind.

This girl also plays a part in a senior citizen prescription pills scam. Seniors are selling their pills to drug dealers. The picture to the left shows what many of us in the past would see as a nice old grandma. Now many have turned into drug dealers assisting in ruining peoples lives!

This is just one of the popular pills on the streets. The dealer will buy the seniors scripts then sell the pills for $5 or more a pill on the streets. There are also doctors that are in on this scam. This girl laughed at this and that is another reason she is not welcome for now. I pray that she gets caught and the seniors get caught that are doing this.
The end of an awesome day of ministry came with a visit by one of my regular little guys! This was the one that put a lump in my throat. Trey who is probably around 10-12 stopped by just as I was locking up. I asked him if he wanted a soda before I locked up. He said "no, I will get my soda at the store but I want to give you a dollar for helping the community". I told him to keep his money then I unlocked and told him to grab a soda. He was in a chatting mood and I finally had to tell him that I had to go. He is such a neat kid and it is awesome that he keeps a good attitude living where he lives. I told him that I want to meet his mom.
I know that the Lord has big plans for changing lives in our new headquarters! It is so awesome to be able to minister out of there. It is like instead of trolling around in the van looking for fish, now they jump in the boat!
I know that the Lord has big plans for changing lives in our new headquarters! It is so awesome to be able to minister out of there. It is like instead of trolling around in the van looking for fish, now they jump in the boat!